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my1Mpact has various dynamic and ongoing partnerships in the Middle East as a result of an initial trip in 2018 to Kurdistan, Iraq  and Jordan. While in country Kelly saw first hand the very real and often desperate need for help across the region. By having boots on the ground experience in a refugee camp, Kelly witnessed the needs of the Yazidi people who were still reeling from mass genocide and trafficking by ISIS. While in Iraq, our founder helped with medical and educational needs as well as spending time to catalogue and organize the names of all individuals in the camps. This included orphans, widows, expectant mothers and missing individuals that had been kidnapped and/or trafficked.


Thus receiving an even more complete grasp of the scope of the atrocities of ISIS and the on going needs of the refugees. She became integral in eventually reuniting some of those missing with their families, saving them from trafficking and relocating them to a new country to start afresh. My1Mpact is privileged to have partnered with incredible individuals and an organization that has rescued and saved the lives of thousands.