Community Guidelines

Prior to posting in the Member Forums for the very first time, a Member must agree to the my1Mpact Community Guidelines. These guidelines are in place to make our caring community a positive and meaningful experience for everyone.

Users violating one or more of the policies will result in consequential actions ranging from a time-out from posting or commenting, to a permanent suspension of their account.

Moderation Policy 

  • my1mpact moderators adhere to a “Three Strikes” policy, and constantly keep a close eye on the my1Mpact feeds. Members can help keep a good, positive atmosphere with flagging comments or reporting the bad community member to the my1mpact Customer Service team.
  • Consistent abuse of these community guidelines, and/or abuse over multiple accounts, will not be tolerated and will have appropriate action taken. Always remember, we’re here to spread love, make a difference and rally together to make change in the World!

3 Strikes You’re Out

  • Members can police other Members in my1mpact platform and communities using the comment flags. Three flags on one account will alert the my1mpact Customer Service team who then may enact a suspension if the flags are deserved. We will not tolerate any kind of abuse to the system, so the three flags must be from three different Members.
  • For example: “My1MpactLover_1” can flag three comments from “My1MpactLover_10,” and “My1MpactLover_10” will not be suspended. If “My1MpactLover_1,” “My1MpactLover_2,” and “My1MpactLover_3” each flag a comment of “my1MpactLover_10,” then “My1MpactLover_10” will likely be suspended.
  • my1mpact’s “Three Strike” policy also applies to member suspensions themselves. A first suspension is for 24 hours and the second is for three days, while the third suspension is a permanent ban.
  • If you believe you were wrongly suspended? Reach out to the my1mpact team for help, we’re here for you. Be warned though, false complaints or issues will not be taken lightly and could also be grounds for action. Abuse of my1mpact’s social media spaces could also be cause for moderator actions.


  • Do not use racial slurs.
  • Do not use slurs against someone’s sexual orientation or gender.
  • Do not engage in religious discussions that could be deemed derogatory.
  • Do not use violent language or threaten other members.


  • Do not promise another member or group monetary compensation without merit (only my1mpact’sverified featured projects and causes may receive funding via the platform).
  • Do not impersonate a my1mpact representative or claim to speak on behalf of my1mpact.
  • Do not share your password with other members or ask for passwords in return.
  • Do not promise to give 1Mprints (points) to other fans (only my1mpact issues points).
  • Do not offer to give access to your account, which is non-transferable.
  • Do not offer to trade someone something in exchange for sexual images.
  • Do not promise someone a contribution or share and then intentionally not follow through.


  • Do not post the same message multiple times again in the same thread.
  • Do not post one letter posts.
  • Do not make solicitation or contribution offers in news articles; stay on topic.
  • Do not send the same offers for help or request for help to the same members over and over again.


  • Do not gang up on other members.
  • Do not stalk members across news threads or platform communities.
  • Do not threaten a member with being reported to my1mpact in an effort to coerce contributions, shares or other actions.
  • Do not make comments that include cursing, derogatory terms, racist comments or similarly offensive language.
  • Should another member begin cursing or bullying you, please do not engage them. Instead, report them immediately so that our Moderation team can review the issue.


  • No offers to advertise on another platform or accounts for third-party currency (i.e. iTunes or Amazon gift cards).
  • No advertising of other apps that are not affiliated with the my1mpact or its partners.
  • Any member comments found to mention secondary crowdfunding or third-party platforms will be removed and can result in action being taken against the account.
  • Should users wish to raise awareness of a cause, they should confirm the legitimacy of the organization – my1Mpact is not liable for any causes posted by its members.
  • “Spamming” offers in private channels, bullying or harassing others to contribute to a cause or share a story will result in action taken against your account.


  • One account per device.
  • No creation of “dummy accounts” to create multiple accounts for one person.
  • Use of emulators to access the platform is strictly prohibited and will result in a permanent, non-reversible ban of your account.


  • my1mpact does not support cross-payment between apps, and contributors should beware of outside links for payments and solicitation.


  • No creation of “dummy accounts” created solely to create fictitious stories or duplicate stories. Please remember that a member may have only one account, and each story can only be shared once.
  • Dummy accounts and/or duplicating stories/causes, or falsely creating a cause/project/story, could lead to a permanent ban on any and all involved accounts.
  • Do not share personal information, including your password or registered email address.
  • No sexual content is allowed within the app. This includes sexual conversation, images, suggestive language, role playing and any other sexual referencing.


  • No creating “dummy accounts” or duplicate entries for entering in-app contests.
  • No creating “dummy accounts” or duplicate entries for registering a project or sharing a story.

Have a problem with another community member? Contact us, don’t perpetuate the negativity!